Building an apple orchard

October’s cheerful competition entries

We welcomed Matthew Nichols from Haywood Park Farm Shugborough, to our October meeting on a damp mild evening. He explained how his family developed their apple growing and juicing business as part of diversification, with his talk covering how to choose a dwarfing rootstock to make picking easier (M26), the grafting process they use, and tips on good apple varieties to grow. These included Katy and Discovery which both produce pink juice.

Sylvia’s aster

He also showed us some interesting videos of the pressing, bottling and pasteurising process. They sell their own juice from the farm and supply local shops, cafes and pubs. They also press and bottle customers’ own apples which is now a very popular service. All their leftover pulp is recycled as pig feed or compost, so zero wastage, and they also re-use customers’ bottles if available. 

Anita’s dahlia

After his talk, Matthew answered questions then drew our raffle and judged the monthly competition which was won this time by Sylvia, with Anita 2nd and Joan 3rd, with entries showing up well against the smart new backdrop of our recently redecorated hall. Over refreshments, we were able to choose spare seeds, plants and new magazines all brought in by members to share, with donations to the club. It was dark and foggy when we left after another good evening.

Joan’s purple-berried ophiopogon
October’s raffle prizes