Mick Poultney with a new subject of Gladioli was booked as the speaker for our June meeting but he tested positive for Covid on the day and was unable to attend. Fortunately we had a table of spare plants donated by club members and another table of donated books, magazines and seeds so nobody had to go away empty handed! We also held a rather amusing impromptu Q&A session with everybody chipping in if they had answers to the questions, plus a few anecdotes, then we had our refreshments and drew the raffle. Different from the planned programme but nobody was in a rush to go home and it was an enjoyable evening.

Members had another opportunity to renew their annual subscriptions which are £20 for the whole year to include free entry to all meetings and free refreshments. We were also pleased to announce that we have a new committee member who will also be our secretary so onwards and upwards! It was the start of a 3 day mini heatwave but luckily we have cooler conditions and some much needed rain today.

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