We started our 2023 programme on a wet and windy evening with an amusing and informative talk on Primulas and Auriculas from Ingrid and John Millington of Hillview Hardy Plants. Ingrid showed us all the different types and colour ranges available, how they were bred and the various growing conditions they all prefer. She also had some fascinating historical information on their medicinal uses – apparently the wonder cure for almost every ill known to mankind! John then followed with what Ingrid called his “doom and gloom” section on pests and diseases, plus propagation, to complete a very good presentation.
After the raffle, our members were able to browse a selection of plants from the Hillview nursery to purchase before they enjoyed their refreshments. Ingrid also judged our monthly competition of a “vase of winter flowering stems from your garden” which was very well supported with colourful and fragrant entries despite the rather inclement weather! The Points awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are totalled at the end of the year for the award of our Trudi Brearley Challenge Trophy. Joan was the winner, with Rosalie second and Ivy third, well done to them and everybody who entered.
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